By David J. Kent
Washington, D.C.
Monday, September 5, 2022

Labor Day means it's time to gear up for the Lincoln Group of DC's suite of fall programs. We took a much-needed July and August off after the successful Lincoln Memorial Centennial in May and the stellar return to in-person dinner meetings at Maggiano's in June. We've lined up some great speakers for the next few months, with more on the way. Welcome back!
We start with a very special event. On September 13th we'll be back at Maggiano's restaurant for another grand in-person dinner. This one is also special to me personally as I will be the featured speaker to discuss my newly released book, Lincoln: The Fire of Genius: How Abraham Lincoln's Commitment to Science and Technology Helped Modernize America. I'll be giving a lecture and signing books. Plus, we'll have special swag bag gifts for all in-person attendees. Check here for more details and to RSVP.
September 17: Join us in-person at Congressional Cemetery for a Matthew Brady Memorial Dedication. Lincoln and Frederick Douglass will be there and there will be food and drink. Check here for more details and to RSVP.
October 1: You won't want to miss our annual Lincoln Group Tour and Picnic led by Craig Howell. This year we're heading to the Wilderness because "Grant Won't Turn Back!" Here are the details and RSVP instructions.
October 18: The Great Debate returns with Part 2! Because of the overwhelming success of our first Great Debate (was Lincoln audacious or cautious?), we're back with an even more difficult question - Was Lincoln Liberal or Conservative? Ed Epstein gives an overview here. (Zoom only)
November brings two events: We'll have a Zoom-only speaker early in the month (to be announced as soon as details ironed out). Then, for those LGDC members who attend, there is the Lincoln Forum in Gettysburg from November 16-18 (plus dedication day on the 19th). This promises to be an exciting year at the Forum, so check out their website and plan to attend.
December 13: We return to Maggiano's for our annual holiday luncheon. This year our featured speaker will be Michael Fowler, author of Calling the Fleeting Breath: Glimpses of Abraham Lincoln's Persona Through Art and Material Culture. Expect to see some amazing artwork. Details to be posted shortly.
We're also hard at work booking the spring 2023 events, starting with Diana Schaub on January 17 by Zoom discussing her book, His Greatest Speeches, which just happens to be the book our LGDC Study Forum begins reading this Saturday.
Want some bonus events? I'm doing double duty this fall as president of the Lincoln Group while also giving presentations about my newest book, Lincoln: The Fire of Genius. Check out my Media page to see my list of events, with more being added. Some are virtual, most are in-person, and many are open to the public. These talks are different from what I'll present on September 13. [The Arts Club of Washington event on October 26 should be particularly entertaining]
[Photo from our June 2022 meeting at Maggiano's]