By David J. Kent
Washington DC
Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Lincoln Group of DC holds elections every two years in May, and 2024 is one of those years. And yes, there will be changes. As members recall, I've been soliciting for volunteers to join the board over the last twelve months, and many members have stepped up to help lead the group. The following table lists the proposed slate of officers and board on which all LGDC members will vote at our May 21, 2024, meeting (which is now Zoom Only, see Events page for details). Below the table you'll find more information about the changes.
Officers | Beginning May 2024 |
President | Ed Epstein |
VP Special Events | Debbie Jackson |
VP Programming | Jon Willen |
VP for Education and Outreach | Kelsey Johnston |
Membership Secretary | Susan Dennis |
Recording Secretary | Rachel Riley |
Treasurer | Janet Saros |
Immediate Past President | David J. Kent |
Board |
Lincolnian Editor | Wendy Swanson |
Website/Media Manager | John O’Brien/David J. Kent |
At Large | Craig Howell |
At Large | Richard Margolies |
At Large | Tom Horrocks |
At Large | Scott Schroeder |
The following board members have agreed to continue in their current positions: Debbie Jackson, Jon Willen, Susan Dennis, Janet Saros, Wendy Swanson, John O’Brien (website), Craig Howell, Richard Margolies, and Scott Schroeder.
Long time LGDC board member Rod Ross is retiring from his position as At Large Board member. Rod had a long career at the National Archives and Records Administration and has been an officer and a board member for longer than I have been involved. LGDC has relied on Rod's wisdom, energy, and contacts and he will be sorely missed.
David J. Kent is retiring from the presidency of the Lincoln Group after three years of service in that position. Prior to that he served multiple terms as VP of Programs and VP of Outreach and Education, plus contributed much behind the scenes work in support of other positions. He will remain as Immediate Past President and will continue to contribute to the website and newsletter, as well as tackle the new role of historian in an attempt to sort through our historical records and write a history of LGDC.
These retirements open up positions for others. Most notably, long-time member and current recording secretary Ed Epstein has agreed to take on the LGDC presidency. Ed has been an active contributor in many facets of LGDC operations and will be an excellent successor as President.
Rachel Riley has agreed to take over Ed's old position as Recording Secretary. Rachel is a long-standing member of LGDC and highly active in the monthly book study forum, monthly dinners and Zoom meetings, and other activities. She is also an active member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). She lives in the DC area.
Kelsey Johnston will take over as VP for Education and Outreach, filling a position that has been vacant for the last three years (it was my old position before taking over the presidency). Kelsey is a new face to many in the LGDC, having joined the group last fall after our spirited discussion session on the 160th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. She brings with her expertise in content creation, websites, and outreach and is enthusiastic about helping with our education and outreach activities. She has already begun helping us with website issues. Kelsey is a member of the American Battlefield Trust and lives outside Baltimore.
Tom Horrocks will fill Rod's old spot as an At Large board member. Tom is an independent historian and multibook author that most members should know from his many years of activity with the Lincoln Forum and the Abraham Lincoln Institute. Tom has already volunteered to help administer our student and teacher scholarship programs (the John T. Elliff Scholarship Fund and the Howard University Fellowship currently in development). Tom lives in Cambridge, MA.
Finally, note that LGDC is currently reevaluating our By Laws with the intent of expanding the Board to include additional At Large Board members. We expect to complete that process soon and will look at bringing in new volunteers.
Small non-profit educational organizations like the Lincoln Group of DC rely exclusively on the membership volunteering their time and donating financially to the continued operations. All of us gain value from the contributions of our membership, especially when they help run the organization and/or donate to help fund our educational programs. The proposed slate of officers and board members is expected to be an active working group as we approach the nation's 250th anniversary, and we hope that the membership will vote to approve the slate.
Voting will occur during the May 21,2024, Zoom Only meeting featuring guest speaker Nancy Spannaus. Check our event page for more information and to RSVP.