By Wendy Swanson
Washington, D.C.
Monday, August 29, 2022

Upon the subject of education, not presuming to dictate any plan or system respecting it, I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people can be engaged in.
Abraham Lincoln
New Salem, Illinois
March 9, 1832
Abraham Lincoln knew the importance of education. So does the Lincoln Group of DC. Our organization is dedicated to education, most specifically, that related to the study and understanding of the life and leadership of Abraham Lincoln himself. Over the years we have pursued this objective through a variety of events, ranging from dinner programs to seminars to tours of historic spots. Last year we undertook a new initiative, developing and presenting a continuing adult education course on Lincoln.
This fall Lincoln Group leaders once again are taking their knowledge about the Sixteenth President on the road -- or perhaps we should say to the Zoom screen – to present an adult course, “Abraham Lincoln, Savior of the Nation,” for Arlington’s Encore Learning. This course is a reprise of the one that proved popular at Encore last fall.
David Kent and John O’Brien will serve as the instructors for the class, one that will explore the life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln including his continuing influence today. Both know the complete Lincoln story and are highly qualified to acquaint the public with a true portrait of Lincoln, his actions and beliefs. The topics to be covered during the four-week course are Young Lincoln (John O’Brien), Lincoln as Politician and Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief (David Kent), and Emancipation and Legacy (John O’Brien). Each session will last 90 minutes and will be conducted virtually. The course will take place on Tuesdays (October 4 – October 25) from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Education about our nation’s history is more important today than ever. We live in a time when inaccuracies concerning Lincoln’s life and times abound. These historic misrepresentations occur on social media, in publications and at institutions of learning. Education is needed that is accurate and fact-based. Through our educational outreach endeavor, the Lincoln Group will provide others with the opportunity to engage in an activity considered to be so important by Lincoln - education - and to learn more about the man himself. The lesson plans developed for the course will serve as a blueprint for future Lincoln Group training endeavors geared toward providing the public with an accurate and complete portrait of the Sixteenth President.
Encore Learning is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization founded in 2002. The organization is dedicated to the continuing educational needs of individuals 50 or over, regardless of location. Each year Encore sponsors spring and fall semesters filled with courses on a variety of subjects, covering the arts, health and wellness, history, public affairs, literature and writing, and science and technology. This fall offered courses extend from A (Abraham Lincoln) to W (William Thackeray’s Vanity Fair). Courses on various aspects of history are traditionally featured each semester and are popular choices. The Lincoln course, developed by the Lincoln Group instructors, was the first such offering on the Sixteenth President.
Prior to each semester, Encore offers a preview of the upcoming courses. This year’s preview will take place on Thursday, September 1 from 10:00 a.m. until noon; the link for viewing this program via Zoom is Upon completion of the preview, a copy of the program will be available on the organization's website.
Online registration for the fall 2022 term begins Tuesday, September 6 at 10.00 a.m. sharp. There is a fee required for attending. For more information on Encore Learning or about this specific course, see