By Debbie Jackson
Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The U.S. presidential nomination process is considered by some to be a spectator sport. The Lincoln Group of D.C. Study Forum wanted to "go behind the scenes" of the 1860 Republican Convention that nominated Abraham Lincoln. For its next discussion series that begins on December 14, the Study Forum selected Edward Achorn's The Lincoln Miracle, Inside the Republican Convention That Changed History. Lincoln Group board member and author Jeffrey Boutwell will lead the discussions.
The Achorn book, shown to the left, provides an insider's view of what many consider the most consequential political moment in American history. The book is filled with rich descriptions about all aspects of the Republican national convention. Achorn captures the ups and downs of how Lincoln was nominated despite being relatively unknown compared to the popular contenders who were expected to secure the top spot. The author describes the bustling Chicago and New York scenes filled with power brokers ready to clinch the nominations, starting with influential New York Senator William Seward as the overwhelming favorite. With thousands singing his praises, how could Seward lose? Excitement was in the air with the launching of a relatively new national party, a shifting political landscape, and the tense political drama that unfolded over six days. The book explores the genius of Abraham Lincoln's quiet strategies, the partisan battles, the raging racism of slavery, and carefully notes the distinction between fighting to end the spread of slavery versus ending the slavery system itself.
The Lincoln Miracle describes the deal-making, personal contacts and alignments, and even the impact of the night marches of the Wide Awakes, a new Republican youth organization complete with military regalia and Tiki torches. With the country still coming to grips with the recent contentious presidential nomination process and election, this is a perfect time to look back and explore how Lincoln was nominated while dealing with the deeply rooted fissures in the country that still continue to persist.
Edward Achorn is a Pulitzer Prize finalist and the author of the highly praised Every Drop of Blood: The Momentous Second Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, as well as acclaimed books about 19th-century baseball and American culture.
Jeffrey Boutwell, author of the forthcoming book on his 19th-century ancestor, George S. Boutwell, Boutwell: Radical Republican and Champion of Democracy, will facilitate the discussions.
This is a great way to start the year with fun group discussions about this fascinating nomination process. Our three sessions on The Lincoln Miracle are Saturday, December 14th; January 18th; and February 22nd from 10 AM to 12 PM and will be held via Zoom. Check out the Study Forum Page on this website to get more information on the forum and how to join the discussions, including the Zoom link to attend. We all look forward to your interest and involvement!