By Kelsey S. Johnston
Baltimore, Maryland
Nov. 25, 2024
There's another video up on the Lincoln Group of D.C.'s new video channel, one well worth viewing for students of the Lincoln story.
On October 29, LGDC past president David J. Kent presented the interesting back story of eight states during the 1864 election in which Lincoln went up against the Democratic nominee, former Gen. George B. McClellan. Of these states, three went to McClellan, two were invalidated, and three more only existed under questionable circumstances. Were they legitimate votes? Was the election “stolen”?
During this presentation, Kent dove into the unique situation of each state - showing their nuanced differences. Lincoln won reelection to the presidency in 1864, the first president in more than three decades to successfully do so. Kent explains how this victory was possible and was plausible, given the electorate.
This presentation serves as a follow-up to a discussion between current LGDC President Ed Epstein and David J. Kent in which they discussed the political upheaval in the lead up to the 1864 election and the lopsided soldier vote that contributed to Lincoln's victory. That presentation is also available on the channel.