By David J. Kent
Washington, DC
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Changes are coming to The Lincoln Herald.
Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, Tennessee, has been publishing The Lincoln Herald for something like a century, and Dr. Thomas R. Turner has been Editor-in-Chief for the last thirty-two of those years. That's about to change, and two Lincoln Group of DC members are part of the change.
Turner is an emeritus professor and now a part-time faculty member at Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Among his books are Beware the People Weeping: Public Opinion and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. He was also a historian-adviser for The Conspirator, a film about Lincoln's assassination directed by Robert Redford.
Stepping into the Editor-in-Chief role is our very own Thomas Horrocks, who will also be joining the Lincoln Group of DC board in May. Tom is an independent historian and should be familiar to most LGDC members because of his roles on the Lincoln Forum executive committee and the Abraham Lincoln Institute board. Among his published books are The Annotated Lincoln and Lincoln's Campaign Biographies, as well as numerous book chapters and co-edited volumes.
Tom's previous role with the journal, the Lincolniana Editor, will be taken over by yours truly, David J. Kent. I've had several book reviews published in The Lincoln Herald over the last few years, and I'm looking forward to contributing to the Herald in this new role as well. I'll also become the Immediate Past-President of the Lincoln Group of DC after three years in the presidential role and over ten years in various leadership positions with LGDC. I'll continue to contribute to LGDC in various ways in the coming years. My most recent book is Lincoln: The Fire of Genius.
Another change at the Herald is the departure of its review editor, Jason Silverman. Silverman has presented to LGDC in the past on his books. His replacement will be a former colleague of his in the History Department at Winthrop University, Joseph Edward Lee.
All of these changes officially take place in June 2024, so the next issue should still come out under the previous leadership, with the contributions of the new personnel showing up in the issue after that.
I'm already beginning to put together sources for the Lincolniana column, so feel free to volunteer any Lincoln-related items you come across. For ideas of the type of information included, take a look at Tom's column in the previously published issues.