By Edward Epstein
Washington, D.C.
Friday, December 1, 2023
The Lincoln Forum, which meets annually in Gettysburg from November 16 -18 for discussions about all things Lincoln, had record attendance of some 300 people this year.

The Lincoln Group reached out to those Lincoln fans, and hundreds more on the Forum's mailing list, by - for the first time -buying an ad in the Forum Bulletin that was distributed at the meeting and mailed to everyone else. The full-page advertisement highlights the fact that the Lincoln Group has become more than just a group with members in what's known as the DMV, for the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.
We have increasingly become a national organization, with members from Washington to Maine and Massachusetts and from Florida to California. That's in part because our monthly programs are almost all available to all members everywhere via Zoom. Our monthly book study group, which is currently reading Allen Guelzo's Abraham Lincoln: Redeemer President, is also available to all members through its Zoom sessions. All members get our quarterly Lincolnian newsletter, full of interesting articles about Lincoln and the group's activities.
We hope to continue growing our membership. You can join by clicking on the blue "join now" at the upper right of the home page. We're glad to have you.