John O'Brien Via Lincolnian
Washington, D.C.
Monday, February 1, 2021

Opening a communication platform to share our appreciation for Lincoln with a new generation.
The Lincoln Group is ramping up its social media and internet presence. The Board of Directors has recognized this new era of Zoom meetings as the time to upgrade our website. After a three month planning process, the Board has directed that the Lincoln Group has a national mission based on the advantage of Lincoln expertise available in Washington. We have decided to add to our educational purpose by making local events and information available to a broader Lincoln audience. To support this vision we have created a robust new platform for extending our mission of promoting Lincoln’s ideals and engaging a new generation of enthusiasts.
The Board recognized that expertise was required to make our website an effective instrument. We have engaged the Firestarter Group for their experience in creating websites that support successful brand images. The new site at is visually attractive, informative, and highly interactive. The Board has agreed to accept responsibilities to assure that we have a stream of new message content and respond to email and social media requests and discussions. Our members represent our greatest asset. We need you to use this opportunity to express your interest in Lincoln and help keep our public material fresh. “Liking” us on Facebook is only a start.
Among the features of the new site are a quick note about upcoming speakers, discussion of current events and a blog commentary on Lincoln’s relevance on issues of the day. We have links to past content and to videos of past presentations and relevant events. And a direct invitation to join and be a part of, as Harold Holzer recently described us, a vibrant organization that is actively promoting Lincoln’s ideals in the community.
Specific role leaders are Ed Epstein who will handle the planned “Lincoln in the news feature,” list new Lincoln books and contribute articles to a new blog. David Kent will edit blog articles before they are posted on the site. John O’Brien will coordinate the site through the implementation period, receive chat content from site visitors and respond to them. Firestarter consultant Eric Macalma will remain the web master for the duration of implementation, handling technical matters.
Other items that will require members to step forward include an “If Lincoln could Tweet” feature, a video library, and updating or adding information about Lincoln related sites and events in the DC area. So, with this new approach to communicating with our members and Lincoln fans, there is an opportunity for every member to contribute your thoughts to continuing to make the Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia the most active voice in making Lincoln’s influence felt when it is needed as never before. Let us know your interest and help us spread the good word.