By Ed Epstein and Kelsey Johnston
Washington D.C.
Feb. 24, 2025
As part of the Lincoln Group's mission to educate people about Abraham Lincoln and his momentous times, we are proud to offer access to a 27-part lecture series by Yale University professor David W. Blight, one of the top scholars of America in the mid-19th century.

The 27-part course comes from Yale Courses, the university's free public educational series.
You can access the first lecture by going to, clicking on the "resources" dropdown, and then the "online resources" dropdown.
You can access the entire lecture series on You Tube at
Blight is the Sterling professor of American History and African-American Studies at Yale. He has written several books, including his biography "Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom." It won the Pulitzer Price for history in 2019.
Photo courtesy of David W. Blight