The Lincoln Group of D.C: Tales from the Early Days
Tue, Apr 05
Historian, author, scientist, and past president Ed Steers will tell stories of the founders and events from our historic past.
Apr 05, 2022, 6:00 PM
About the Event
Ed Steers always has great ideas. He recently re-discovered some old interview tapes with Lt. Bert Sheldon of the Capitol Police, the first elected president of our happy society. Ed's first thought was to make sure other Lincoln Group members had a chance to learn about the interesting days of yore while the folks are still around to tell. We date our club from founding documents in 1934. The club was an informal orgianization until Sheldon and his friends decided to hold an election and create a sustainable group. Knowing folks as he did, Sheldon got our first promotional boost from a speech in the House of Representatves. Congressman Clyde Doyle from Long Beach CA, spoke on November 27, 1950. He started with the Gettysburg Address, then reminded the House of its responsibilty to keep the sentiments alive. To help, Doyle offered Bert's Adams-Morgan address so the members could get…