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Help Spread the Word

Support  Quality Lincoln Programs

We need more Lincoln in our lives today.  His legacy challenges us to keep his vision for our country alive and relevant to modern society. 


The Lincoln Group uses its resources to promote Lincoln studies, and educate about his vision “that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.” We strive to engage new generations and new voices in understanding his dedication to equality and liberty under law “with malice toward none and charity for all."


Your donation will help the Lincoln Group inform and educate through events like those described in this website and for programs, such as pictured below, introducing younger audiences to Lincoln (portrayer is the late Michael Krebs). 

Or, consider a donation to one of these important
special purpose funds

John T. Elliff Scholarship Fund
(President 2014-18)

The education work of the Lincoln Group enjoyed a significant boost under the leadership of Dr. John T. Elliff.  John was a scholar and a dear friend to those who shared his enthusiasm for all things Lincoln. The board of the Lincoln Group decided in 2018 to honor John’s memory with a program that united his passion for Lincoln education and his love for Ford’s Theatre.  The Elliff Scholarship supports tuition for selected professional educators at the annual Ford’s Theatre summer seminar.  The scholarship makes the excellent programs at Ford’s more accessible to teachers from across the country. 

The Edna Greene Medford-Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia Ph.D Fellowship

The Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia Ph.D. Fellowship

We honor the long service to the Lincoln Group and to Lincoln studies by Dr. Edna Greene Medford with two Howard University scholar grants to promote further research on Lincoln and his era.

Your support is earnestly requested. Use this button to donate by credit card or Paypal

If you prefer to send a check, please mail to:


      Lincoln Group

      PO Box 5676

      Washington, DC 20016

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Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia, PO Box 5676, Washington D.C. 20016   All Rights Reserved 2021

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